Jihadistes a Catalunya

L'edició de juny de la publicació "Global Terrorism Analisys" inclou un llarg article signat per Kathryn Haahr amb el títol "Catalonia: Europe's New Center of Global Jihad" que es fa ressò de diverses informacions periodístiques i de comentaris d'experts que assenyalen el nostre país com un santuari de l'islamo-feixisme i planter de reclutes de la "guerra santa" islàmica, disposats a enrolar-se per combatre en els diferents fronts oberts per Al-Qaida i les seves franquícies. Entre aquests fronts s'inclou la mateixa Catalunya, tal com s'explica en un paràgraf que reprodueixo a continuació: "Terrorism experts concur that Barcelona is a possible target for terrorist groups. Based on a study of recent al-Qaeda threats and attacks perpetrated by jihadis, the country's high-speed train (AVE), the national high court in Madrid and many tall, singular buildings in Barcelona are probable targets. Several Interpol reports also mention this possibility (La Vanguardia, May 9). The absence of threat information from terrorists complicates counter-terrorism efforts. According to Spanish police sources, the difficulty in recruiting moles to penetrate Islamist cells makes it extremely difficult to conduct surveillance and implement other counter-terrorism measures. Sources note that one of the main problems is the scarcity of speakers of key Islamist languages—Arabic, Berber and Urdi. Another factor is the lack of a deep understanding of the cultural variables that characterize distinct ethnic Muslim communities. Without collaboration from the Muslim community, security agents will remain challenged in not only preventing terrorist operations from occurring, but in engaging in predictive intelligence operations such as identifying the members of terrorist groups and their networks.".


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